Online Retailers
Online shoppers are demanding alternative pick up locations
54% of shoppers are interested in alternative pick up locations, with millennials heading the list at 67%, followed by urban shoppers at 58%.
E-commerce is changing.
The demand for alternative pick up locations are being fueled by the explosive growth we are seeing in online sales. Missed deliveries are frustrating the end-consumer and causing them to look for alternative solutions.
Retailers must step up their game to remain competitive. Meeting shopper expectations and delivering the expected customer experience is key to survival.
Integrate the PkgSpot APIs and watch your conversions increase.

Online retailers need a solution.

PkgSpot is partnering with businesses that will receive your customers online purchases. These businesses are conveniently located close to homes, work, and public transportation. They offer a secure location with extended hours.
Integrate the PkgSpot APIs and start meeting your shoppers expectations.
Now there’s an alternative pick up solution for your online shoppers.
PkgSpot offers an integrated solution that can quickly and cost effectively be deployed. Our APIs allow retailers the ability to implement the PkgSpot functionality within their own e-commerce workflows.
Integrate the PkgSpot APIs and start offering alternatives to home deliveries.

Key Benefits
Externally Focused APIs
Supported by a SDK.
Reduce Transportation Costs
Convert a high cost residential B2C delivery into a lower cost B2B delivery.
Meeting shopper expectations
Flexible alternatives to home deliveries.